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Recreation Therapy

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Connection through action

A Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) uses activity-based interventions to address the assessed needs of individuals, improving health and quality of life.  Recreation Therapy is beneficial on its own but can be used in collaboration with other therapy services to support and maintain skills learned.


Recreation Therapy targets various clinical and therapeutic outcomes in the following areas:

  • Social & Emotional

  • Cognitive

  • Physical

  • Spiritual

Clinically trained to work with many

A Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) is professionally trained and has experience working with children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly with mental health needs, developmental and learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease and other aging-related conditions, substance abuse problems, brain injuries, physical disabilities, and acute and chronic pain.

Through activity-based interventions, common therapeutic goals we work on with our clients include:

  • Social/Emotional

    • Conflict resolution, increase communication skills, adaptive skills, foster self-reflection, opportunity for leadership, increase acceptance towards change, release control, increase emotional regulation and expression, practice appropriate discussion skills, evolve insights​

  • Cognitive

    • Increase ability to follow instructions, memory recall, symbol recognition, increase focus and attention skills, foster growth mindset and acceptance, improve internal and external observation skills, increase knowledge, practice recollection skills​

  • Physical

    • Increase strength, balance, blood circulation, endurance, increase fine and gross motor skills, reduce physical signs of depression​

  • Spiritual

    • Foster sense of purpose, self-reflection and personal expression, increase sense of hope, build resilience, improve navigating emotions​

Intervention Modalities (examples, not exhaustive)

Yoga or chair yoga



Creative arts (e.g. drawing, painting, collaging)

Discussion-based activities

Games (e.g. team-based, skills-based)

Values clarification

Mindfulness and meditation


Leisure education


Interested to start or learn more?

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